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MySQL interview questions (4)

2022-07-06 14:21:00 qq_ one billion seven hundred and fifty-seven million five hund

61.Mysql What storage engine is used in ?

The storage engine is called a table type , Data is stored in files using various techniques .
Technology involves :
Storage mechanism
Locking levels
Capabilities and functions.

62.Mysql What is the driver ?

Here are Mysql Drivers available in :
PHP The driver
JDBC The driver
ODBC The driver
PYTHON The driver
PERL The driver
RUBY The driver
CAP11PHP The driver

63.TIMESTAMP stay UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP What to do with data types ?

Create table time TIMESTAMP Column use Zero to update . As long as other fields in the table change ,UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP The Modifier updates the timestamp field to the current time .

64. What's the difference between a primary key and a candidate key ?

Each row of the table is uniquely identified by the primary key , A table has only one primary key .
The primary key is also a candidate key . By convention , Candidate keys can be specified as primary keys , And can be used for any foreign key reference .

65. How to use Unix shell Sign in Mysql?

We can log in with the following command :
[mysql dir]/bin/mysql -h hostname -u -p

66.myisamchk What is it used for ?

It's used to compress MyISAM surface , This reduces disk or memory usage .

67.、 How to control HEAP The maximum size of the watch ?

Heal The size of the table can be determined by calling max_heap_table_size Of Mysql Configure variables to control .

68.MyISAM Static and MyISAM Dynamic What's the difference? ?

stay MyISAM Static All fields on have a fixed width . dynamic MyISAM The watch will have a look like TEXT,BLOB Etc , To accommodate different length data types .
MyISAM Static Easier to recover in case of damage .

69.federated What is a watch ?

federated surface , Allow access to tables located on other server databases .

70. If a table has a column defined as TIMESTAMP, What will happen ?

Every time a line is changed , The timestamp field will get the current timestamp .


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