How to understand that binary complement represents negative numbers
First , If it means a positive number that N position , The maximum positive number expressed is 2^N 1 in other words , If it's a byte ,8bit, T...
2022-07-07 15:38【sgmcy】
阅读更多unnamed prototyped parameters not allowed when body is present
https://img oss process=image/watermark,type d3F5LXplbmhlaQ,shadow 50,text Q1NETiBAc2dtY3k=,si...
2022-07-07 15:38【sgmcy】
阅读更多The rebound problem of using Scrollview in cocos Creator
The official document states Elastic Whether it rebounds , But this specific explanation is whether to allow scrolling content beyond the boundary ...
2022-07-07 15:38【Vegetable chicken on the road】
阅读更多Getting started with webgl (2)
1. Draw a point // Vertex shader program var VSHADER SOURCE = 'void main { n' + ' gl Position = vec4 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0 ; n' + ' gl PointSize = 30...
2022-07-07 15:38【Vegetable chicken on the road】
阅读更多Cocos makes Scrollview to realize the effect of zooming in the middle and zooming out on both sides
The effect is as follows : https://img convert/6b8ad2817a112e1d2e54c69e5a3800cb.gif pic center 1. To make a prefab, Then genera...
2022-07-07 15:38【Vegetable chicken on the road】
阅读更多Getting started with webgl (1)
1. What is? webGL? webgl Is to draw and render graphics on Web pages 3D graphics , And allow users to interact with it ; 2. Why do I learn webGL? ...
2022-07-07 15:38【Vegetable chicken on the road】
阅读更多Cocos uses custom material to display problems
The boss of the company just talked to me many times about this problem , But I didn't pay attention when I used it , Just record it problem : Pict...
2022-07-07 15:38【Vegetable chicken on the road】
阅读更多Getting started with webgl (4)
Use uniform Variable The last section talked about , uniform Variables are mainly used for all vertices that are the same Vertex independent d...
2022-07-07 15:38【Vegetable chicken on the road】
阅读更多Getting started with webgl (3)
Use attribute Variable Purpose of use : Transfer location information from js Passed to vertex shaders in code , There are two main ways ,attribut...
2022-07-07 15:39【Vegetable chicken on the road】
阅读更多Write sequence frame animation with shader
forehead , If you're free, then write a simple sequence frame animation ... This is really a strange idea , But very practical hahaha . Art give you...
2022-07-07 15:39【Vegetable chicken on the road】
阅读更多Vertex shader to slice shader procedure, varying variable
varying Variable : Pass data from vertex shader to slice shader . varying Variables can only be float( And related vec2,vec3,vec4,mat2,mat3,mat4)...
2022-07-07 15:39【Vegetable chicken on the road】
阅读更多Detailed explanation of Cocos creator 2.4.0 rendering process
The author analyzed it in detail : Applause .
2022-07-07 15:39【Vegetable chicken on the road】
阅读更多Webgl texture
design sketch : https://img oss process=image/watermark,type ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk,shadow 10,tex...
2022-07-07 15:39【Vegetable chicken on the road】
阅读更多OpenGL common functions
Clamp function Clamp The function can limit randomly varying values to a given interval min, max Inside : template class T T Clamp T x, T min, T m...
2022-07-07 15:39【Vegetable chicken on the road】
阅读更多webgl_ Graphic transformation (rotation, translation, zoom)
translation Translate a triangle , You need to measure each component of the vertex coordinates x and y , Add the triangle on the corresponding a...
2022-07-07 15:39【Vegetable chicken on the road】
阅读更多webgl_ Enter the three-dimensional world (1)
Excited heart, trembling hand , Start learning three-dimensional space today . First, let's start with the simplest cube ; A cube is made of triang...
2022-07-07 15:39【Vegetable chicken on the road】
阅读更多webgl_ Enter the three-dimensional world (2)
in real life , We often encounter two objects on the table one after the other , During observation , The front object will cover part of the back ob...
2022-07-07 15:39【Vegetable chicken on the road】
阅读更多Using eating in cocos Creator
Mainly used for animation , Example : cc.tween this.stretch .to 0.1,{} .call = {this.arrow.scale = scale} .to 0.5, { x: x },{easing:'sineOut'} .call ...
2022-07-07 15:39【Vegetable chicken on the road】
阅读更多OpenGL's distinction and understanding of VAO, VBO and EBO
1.VBO VBO Buffer objects for vertices , It is a memory buffer area opened up in the storage space of the graphics card , Used to store various attrib...
2022-07-07 15:39【Vegetable chicken on the road】
阅读更多Cocos creator collision and collision callback do not take effect
1、 Collision does not take effect Remember that , When using physics , Be sure to turn on physics first : cc.director.getPhysicsManager .enabled = ...
2022-07-07 15:39【Vegetable chicken on the road】
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Statistical learning methods learning notes —— Support vector machine ( Next ) 3. Nonlinear support vector machine and kernel function 3 1 3.1 Nu...
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