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[recommended by bloggers] C MVC list realizes the function of adding, deleting, modifying, checking, importing and exporting curves (with source code)
2022-07-06 10:53:00 【xcLeigh】
C#MVC The list realizes the function of adding, deleting, modifying, querying, importing and exporting curves
【 Bloggers recommend 】C#MVC The list realizes the function of adding, deleting, modifying, querying, importing and exporting curves ( Source code attached )
Function night and very nice list , Realize all functions of the list , The whole architecture layout is perfect , You can develop your own system on this basis .
Realize the query of the list
Add list data
Realize list data modification
Realize the deletion of list data
Import list data
Export list data
Realize the curve display of list data
Effect display
Login to show
- Login interface code
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deng record
1. List query
- List code
<form class="layui-form">
<div style="background-color:white;width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute; min-width:500px;">
<fieldset class="layui-elem-field" style="margin:0px;">
<legend></legend>@* Title assignment , May be empty *@
<div class="layui-field-box">
<table style="width:100%;">
Name of goods :
<div class="layui-input-inline">
<input id="title" name="title" class="layui-input" style="width:166px;" type="text" placeholder=" Please enter the name of the goods " autocomplete="off" lay-verify="title">
type :
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width:166px;">
<select id="type" name="type" lay-search="">
<option value=""> All </option>
<td style="width:50px;">
<button class="layui-btn layui-bg-cyan" data-type="parseTable" onclick="showTable(); return false;"> Search for </button>
<td style="width:50px;">
<a class="layui-btn layui-bg-cyan" data-type="parseTable" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="add('/dsadmin/ygtjOper?czlx=add',' newly added ');"> newly added </a>
<td style="width:50px;">
<button type="button" lay-submit="" class="layui-btn layui-btn-warm" lay-filter="uploadImg"><i class="layui-icon"></i> export Excel</button>
<td style="width:50px;">
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-bg-cyan" id="test3"><i class="layui-icon"></i> Import Excel</button>
@* List content *@
<div style="width:100%;">
<table class="layui-hide" id="test" lay-filter="test" style="width:100%;"></table>
<script id="barDemo" type="text/html">
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs layui-bg-black" lay-event="chart"> curve </a>
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" lay-event="edit"> edit </a>
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-danger layui-btn-xs" lay-event="del"> Delete </a>
2. List data addition
- New interface rendering
- New function code
<form id="form1" class="layui-form" action="/dsadmin/ygtjOper">
<input type="text" value="@ViewBag.czlx" id="czlx" name="czlx" hidden="hidden" />
<div class="layui-form-item">
<table class="tableContent">
<th><nobr> Name of goods :</nobr></th>
<input name="TJ_NAME" value="@ViewBag.TJ_NAME" class="layui-input" type="text" placeholder=" Please enter the name of the goods " autocomplete="off" lay-verify="required" lay-reqtext=" The name of the goods is required , How can it be empty ?">
<th> Type of goods :</th>
<select id="TJ_TYPE" name="TJ_TYPE" lay-search="" lay-verify="required">
<option value=""> Direct selection or search selection </option>
<option value=" vegetables "> vegetables </option>
<option value=" Fruits "> Fruits </option>
<option value=" Dry Fruits "> Dry Fruits </option>
<th> Quantity of goods :</th>
<input name="TJ_NUM" value="@ViewBag.TJ_NUM" class="layui-input" type="text" placeholder=" Please enter the quantity of goods " autocomplete="off" lay-verify="required|number" lay-reqtext=" Quantity of goods is required , How can it be empty ?">
<th> Quantity of goods used :</th>
<input name="TJ_USE_NUM" value="@ViewBag.TJ_USE_NUM" class="layui-input" type="text" placeholder=" Please enter the used quantity " autocomplete="off" lay-verify="required|number" lay-reqtext=" Quantity of goods is required , How can it be empty ?">
<button class="layui-btn" type="submit" lay-filter="demo1" lay-submit=""> Submit... Immediately </button>
<button class="layui-btn layui-btn-primary" type="reset"> Reset </button>
3. List data modification
- Modify the interface rendering
- Modify function code
<form id="form1" class="layui-form" action="/dsadmin/ygtjOper">
<input type="text" value="@ViewBag.czlx" id="czlx" name="czlx" hidden="hidden" />
<div class="layui-form-item">
<table class="tableContent">
<th><nobr> Name of goods :</nobr></th>
<input name="TJ_NAME" value="@ViewBag.TJ_NAME" class="layui-input" type="text" placeholder=" Please enter the name of the goods " autocomplete="off" lay-verify="required" lay-reqtext=" The name of the goods is required , How can it be empty ?">
<th> Type of goods :</th>
<select id="TJ_TYPE" name="TJ_TYPE" lay-search="" lay-verify="required">
<option value=""> Direct selection or search selection </option>
<option value=" vegetables "> vegetables </option>
<option value=" Fruits "> Fruits </option>
<option value=" Dry Fruits "> Dry Fruits </option>
<th> Quantity of goods :</th>
<input name="TJ_NUM" value="@ViewBag.TJ_NUM" class="layui-input" type="text" placeholder=" Please enter the quantity of goods " autocomplete="off" lay-verify="required|number" lay-reqtext=" Quantity of goods is required , How can it be empty ?">
<th> Quantity of goods used :</th>
<input name="TJ_USE_NUM" value="@ViewBag.TJ_USE_NUM" class="layui-input" type="text" placeholder=" Please enter the used quantity " autocomplete="off" lay-verify="required|number" lay-reqtext=" Quantity of goods is required , How can it be empty ?">
<button class="layui-btn" type="submit" lay-filter="demo1" lay-submit=""> Submit... Immediately </button>
<button class="layui-btn layui-btn-primary" type="reset"> Reset </button>
4. List data deletion
- Delete data rendering
- Delete function background code
string sql = "DELETE SYS_TJ WHERE ID=" + ID;
int num = new OperDataBLL().deleteData(sql);
if (num > 0)
return " Delete successful !";
return " Delete failed !";
5. List data import
- Import format chart
- Import background code
DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
for (inti = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
string TJ_NAME = dt.Rows[i][0].ToString();// name
string TJ_TYPE = dt.Rows[i][1].ToString();// type
string TJ_NUM = dt.Rows[i][2].ToString();// Number
string TJ_USE_NUM = dt.Rows[i][3].ToString();// Used quantity
string addsql = "insert into SYS_TJ(ID, TJ_NAME, TJ_TYPE,TJ_NUM, TJ_USE_NUM)";
addsql += "values(SEQ_SYS_TJ_ID.nextval,'" + TJ_NAME + "','" + TJ_TYPE + "'," + TJ_NUM + "," + TJ_USE_NUM + ")";
new OperDataBLL().addData(addsql);
catch (Exception e)
return Json(new
src = "",
name = "", // Get file name without suffix
msg = " Upload error " + e
return Json(new
src = " Import complete ",
name = " Import complete ", // Get file name without suffix
msg = " Import complete "
6. List data export
- export Excel design sketch
- Background code
string str = GetJsonUtil.getNullJson();
if (!title.Equals(""))
title = " and TJ_NAME like '%" + title + "%'";
if (!type.Equals(""))
type = " and TJ_TYPE = '" + type + "'";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String sql = "select * from SYS_TJ t where 1=1" + title + type;
DataTable dt = new OperDataBLL().getData(sql);
if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
List<FhmxModel> list = DataTableToList.ToList<FhmxModel>(dt);
str = GetJsonUtil.getJson<FhmxModel>(0, " Export succeeded ", list.Count, list);
catch (Exception)
return str;
7. List data curve display
- design sketch
- View Code
<script type="text/javascript" src="~/scripts/highcharts-zh_CN.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="~/scripts/highcharts.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="~/scripts/exporting.js"></script>
<div id="container" style="width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;"></div>
var ChartX = [@Html.Raw(ViewBag.ChartX)];
var ChartY1 = [@ViewBag.ChartY1];
var ChartY2 = [@ViewBag.ChartY2];
layui.use(['form', 'layedit', 'laydate'], function () {
var form = layui.form
, layer = layui.layer
window.onload = function () {
var chart = Highcharts.chart('container', {
chart: {
type: 'column'
title: {
text: ' Statistical analysis of goods '
subtitle: {
text: 'xcLeigh'
xAxis: {
categories: ChartX,
crosshair: true
yAxis: {
min: 0,
title: {
text: ' Number ( Jin )'
tooltip: {
// head + Every point + footer To make a complete table
headerFormat: '<span style="font-size:10px">{point.key}</span><table>',
pointFormat: '<tr><td style="color:{series.color};padding:0">{series.name}: </td>' +
'<td style="padding:0"><b>{point.y:.1f} mm</b></td></tr>',
footerFormat: '</table>',
shared: true,
useHTML: true
plotOptions: {
column: {
borderWidth: 0
series: [{
name: ' Total amount ',
data: ChartY1
}, {
name: ' Used amount ',
data: ChartY2
8. Source download
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