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Interview Essentials: what is the mysterious framework asking?

2022-07-06 14:32:00 Big fish SS

Frame dropping monitoring , Function stakes , Slow function detection ,ANR monitor , Start the monitoring …… These let Android Developers' scalp numbing content , Nowadays, it has become a necessary question for interviews in large factories : What mechanism is used to monitor , Where to insert function stakes , Which class, which method, and which attribute are used for reflection calls ? I'm afraid these problems will embarrass a large number of developers who are marching towards high-level .
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Large factory recruitment right Framework Made clear requirements

Want to be Android Senior Developer , Be sure to master Framework The underlying source code , All the above fields are in Framework Implemented under the framework .

How to learn Framework

About how to learn Android Framework Development knowledge , You can refer to this summary by byte boss 《Android Framework Uncover secrets of development 》, Some of the chapters are collected on a certain platform 1000+! I'd like to share with you today

《Android Framework Uncover secrets of development 》

Chapter one System startup process analysis

Section 1 Android Launch overview
In the second quarter init.rc analysis
In the third quarter Zygote
The fourth quarter, Interview questions
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Chapter two Binder analysis

Section 1 Macro understanding Binder
In the second quarter binder Of jni Methods registration
In the third quarter binder drive
The fourth quarter, data structure
Section 5 start-up service_manager
Section VI acquisition service_manager
Section 7 addService technological process
Section 8 Binder Full analysis of interview questions
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The third chapter Handler analysis

Section 1 Source code analysis
In the second quarter Difficult questions
In the third quarter Handler Often ask interview questions

Chapter four AMS analysis

Section 1 introduction
In the second quarter Android framework
In the third quarter communication mode
The fourth quarter, System startup series
Section 5 AMS
Section 6 AMS Analysis of interview questions
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The fifth chapter WMS analysis

Section 1 Activity And Window Relevant concepts
In the second quarter Android Window management service WindowManagerService Calculation Activity Process analysis of window size
In the third quarter Android Window management service WindowManagerService Analysis of the organization of the window
The fourth quarter, Android Window management service WindowManagerService Management analysis of input method window
Section 5 Android Window management service WindowManagerService Management analysis of wallpaper window

Chapter six PKMS Android10.0 Source code interpretation

Section 1 Preface PKMS What is it? ?
In the second quarter PKMS Overview information
In the third quarter PKMS Role location
The fourth quarter, PKMS Start process analysis
Section 5 APK Scan
Section 7 PMS Permission scanning
Section 8 PackageManagerService Big comprehensive notes
 Insert picture description here Trust this information , I'm sure I can help you in FrameWork Provide strong help and support in learning , Fast people step into real high-level Android developer

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This full version of the learning materials has been uploaded CSDN , Friends can scan the bottom of wechat if necessary CSDN Officially certified QR code [ Guarantee 100% Free access ].

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What's on your resume , Be sure to understand first , Especially the professional skills on the resume . The most feedback received during the interview is : The basic knowledge is not solid enough , The technical depth is not enough . Now? Android Most of the development needs to understand C++ and Linux knowledge , Big companies also need to brush algorithm interview questions , In the later learning process , I will start from the above aspects . Of course, we must also learn the basic knowledge firmly , We need to deepen our technology .

Finally, I wish you all can get your favorite offer!


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